The Beautiful Life Daily Devotional


Author: Prophet Cosmas Inyang


Beautiful Bible Verse:

The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

1 Thessalonians 5:28 (NIV)


Remember, that for us, this is the Year of The Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Remember, The Grace of The Lord Jesus is upon you.

Remember, you have The Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Remember, The Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ  is at work for you in all aspects of your life.


When you wake up in the morning, remember you have The Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ.

During the day while going about your activities, remember you have The Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ.

While on your bed before you sleep, remember you have The Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ.


Also, remember God loves you so much.

Remember The Holy Spirit is with you to help you in all aspects of your life.


The Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ is reigning in all aspects of your life this year. Remember this all through this year.

Let this regulate your perceptions, your communications and your actions.

God bless you greatly.



Thank you Lord Jesus for giving me your grace.

I have The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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