Special Instruction: Read this devotional very slowly 7 times


Beautiful Bible Verse:

When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream.

Psalm 126:1 (English Standard Version)


Just like air is present where you are right now, the power of God is present where you are to touch you at the point of your need.

As you are reading this right now, you are feeling the power of God working on you and in you.

If you had any issue with your body, the power of God is fixing your body now.

Demonic operations have come to an end now and never to return.

You are free. Yes you are free right now.

The Force of the Life of God  is now released upon you.

Whatever the enemy attacked in you, has now come alive and the operation of the enemy has stopped completely.

As you are reading this, there is a glorious turnaround happening right now in your body and in all aspects of your life.

Whatever was not working is now working well.

Whatever the enemy closed is now open and it remains open.

The effects of evil dreams are destroyed totally.

That glorious manifestation that you have been waiting for has come.

I see you testifying.

I see you celebrating.

Long life in perfect health and prosperity is yours.

Money for that project has come and it will continue to flow for your projects to be beautifully completed.

You will not fall, you will not slide.

Direction has come for you now.

Help has come for you now. Yes great help has come for you now.

Big and glorious things are happening to you at ease.

Everyone favours you greatly.

Your joy is made full.

There is now an overflow of God’s goodness in your life.

You and your family are always protected.

Rejoice, this is the moment of your glorious turnaround.

This is the moment that God changed your life gloriously.

This is the moment.

It is happening now.

Lift up your voice and begin to thank and praise God now.

If you have been noticing evil patterns and cycles, it is gone now. The evil cycles and patterns have completely ended. You are free. Welcome to your glorious new.

Rejoice, God loves you so much.


Believe this and Say this:

In the name of The Lord Jesus I am totally free in all aspects of my life.

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