Prayerflix Daily Prayer

Suggested Prayer Times: 6AM or morning, 12NOON or Afternoon, 10PM or before you sleep at night.


By Prophet Cosmas Inyang


Prayer Bible Verse:

The Lord said to me, “you have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.”

Jeremiah 1:12 (NIV)


Pray This:

  1. Worship and Thank God for all that He has done for you.
  2. Pray This:

Thank you Father for watching to make sure that your word comes true in my life

  1. Commit your other prayer requests unto God and thank God for answered prayers.


Meditation verse:

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon

Psalm 92:12 (NIV)


Remember, Think and Declare this all through today:

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus,

I am righteous,

I am flourishing like the palm tree,

I am growing like the cedar of Lebanon.


I Pray for you:

In the name of The Lord Jesus, no evil will ever come near you or your dwelling place.

God is with you.

You are greatly blessed and highly favoured.

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