The Beautiful Life Daily Devotional


Author: Prophet Cosmas Inyang



You are to read this Daily Devotional 3 times daily. (morning, afternoon and at night before you sleep)



Read out loud this Devotional Bible Verse 3 times.

I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause.

Job 5:8 (King James Bible)


Let your focus be on God and not on the news about the economy.

Let your focus be on God and not on the inflation or rise of goods and services in your country.

Let your focus be on God and not on the policies of the President of the country where you reside on earth.

Let your focus be on God and not on the works of the devil.

Let your focus be on the good things happening in your life now and not on the bad things.

Look out for the good things happening in your life and focus on it while giving glory to God.

Look out for beautiful changes  in your life and not the unpleasant ones.

Expect something good to happen to you now and always.


Please pay attention to this carefully.

You can not look backward and look forward at the same time.

You can not look up and look down at the same time.

Therefore you can not focus on God and still be considering the bad news of this world at the same time.

Listen, you are in the world but you are not of the world.

The truth is, you are a citizen of The Kingdom of God living in the embassy of The Kingdom of God on earth.

You are Heaven’s responsibility.

Think about this, how then would there be a difference if you suffer what they suffer?

Always remember that your case is different.

Always remember that you can never be a victim,

But that you will always be a victor.

Always remember that your prosperity is from above.

Always remember that you carry the blessing that maketh rich and adds no sorrow.

Listen to this, the purpose of the fire from your stove or cooker is to produce heat for cooking and as long as your cooker is ON and the fire is burning, heat will continue to be generated for your cooking.

In the same manner, you have in your life right now THE BLESSING THAT MAKETH RICH, and as long as you stay conscious of this and keep talking it, it remains ON and at work,  to keep generating riches and wealth for you and to you.

Just like you control the stove,

The control of THE BLESSING THAT MAKETH RICH is in your heart and in your mouth.

I pray The Holy Spirit to enlighten you more on this.


Focus on God.

Focus on The Word of God.


Commit your cause unto The Holy Spirit and let Him guide your decisions and your actions.

This is the way it works:  The Holy Spirit guides and you follow.

But most times, people take actions or decide on what they want and then they pray The Holy Spirit to follow or to bless their already made decisions or actions.

Listen, if you do so, then you have made yourself the leader of The Holy Spirit. How then do you expect The Holy Spirit to lead you or guide you, when you have made yourself the leader?


Submit yourself unto God and let Him lead you.

Submit yourself unto The Holy Spirit and let Him lead you.

As you do this, great good will come to you.



I submit myself completely to The Holy Spirit now.

Dear Holy Spirit please forgive me for the times I did not submit or listen to you.

Dear Holy Spirit please lead me and guide me in all aspects of my life now and always.

Dear Holy Spirit please perform your works and your Ministry in my life now and always.

Thank you Holy Spirit.

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