To be fully connected and to enjoy all the benefits from THE ALMIGHTY GOD you have to  first become a child of The Almighty God as stated in John1:12-13

According to John1:12-13 and Romans10:9-10  the very moment you receive The Lord Jesus as The Son of The Almighty God, acknowledging His finished works of salvation for you and you believe this in your heart and confess this with your mouth, you shall instantly be saved and you shall instantly become a child of God and you shall instantly be fully connected to The Almighty God.

As you become instantly a new kind of being, all your old experiences are all completely gone and your life completely becomes filled with new and beautiful things and experiences from The Almighty God your Father.  2Corinthians5:17 2Corinthians5:21 Isaiah43:18-19

To become a Child of The Almighty God and to be fully connected to The Almighty God,  say out loud the Prayer of Salvation below and feel it in every core of your being as you are saying it and believe with all your heart that as you make this affirmation, that you shall become a Child of God and as you become a Child of God you shall be fully connected to The Almighty God.

Prayer of Salvation to become a child of God and to be fully connected to The Almighty God:

I believe, I agree and I declare that The Lord Jesus Christ is The Son of The Almighty God,  He is my Lord and my Savior.

He came, he was crucified, He resurrected and was Highly exalted and He is sitting now at the right hand of The Father. His blood was shed and is eternally active for the eternal redemption and salvation and birth of the sons of God which includes me.

I believe, I receive and I declare that The Lord Jesus Christ is my Lord and My Savior.

I receive now the gift of the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

I receive now The Holy Spirit and His functions in my life.

My heart believes The Word of God and I am awakened to God now and always.

From Today I declare that I am a child of The Almighty God and The Almighty God is my Father.

I am now awakened and connected to The Lord Jesus Christ, and to my Father The Almighty God and to The Holy Spirit my guide, my teacher and my comforter.

Therefore from this moment, I begin to see and enjoy  beautiful manifestations of  everything beautiful in abundance.

From this moment  I am increasing greatly in all aspects of my life and I am shining brighter and brighter and brighter in all aspects of my life.

I am now connected to The Almighty God, the ultimate source of abundance.

My health is ever-increasing in abundance.

My money, my wealth, and my riches are ever-increasing in abundance.

Everything good and beautiful is ever-increasing in my life in abundance.

Thank you Father,Thank you Lord Jesus, Thank you Holy Spirit.

Congratulations, please if you just prayed this prayer of salvation, send an email to

And we will get in touch with you.